
Consent for Job Profile Evaluation

By clicking “Agree” below, you affirm that:

  • You are the person to whom the password was sent.
  • You will address this evaluation without assistance of any kind.
  • You will respect the integrity of these tools by neither sharing the contents with others, copying nor otherwise inappropriately sharing beyond the boundaries of this evaluation process.
  • You understand this information is used to estimate the degree of match to the specific demands of the position you seek. It may not be used for other positional evaluations without your consent.
  • Cowart Consulting Group, CCG, retains the right to use the data obtained in ongoing research on leadership, management, and organizational development. In this case, no personal information of any kind is appended to results. Your data privacy is securely maintained by the licensed psychologists of CCG.
  • Results of this employment evaluation, specific to the position in question, remain the property of the referring organization. It is the choice of the referring organization whether candidates not selected will be afforded feedback on the positional evaluation results.
  • You understand this is a voluntary assessment that is a standard expectation of the referring organization. By your agreement, you are agreeing to hold harmless both the referring organization and the psychologists of CCG for any recommendations or outcomes resulting from your voluntary participation in this process.
  • If you consent to the above, please select “Agree” below and proceed. If you need more information to proceed, you may call (404) 588-2420 for clarification or contact the referring organization.